Act 1
- begins with three witches saying they will meet again
- Irish invaders led by Macdonwald
- MacBeth/Banquo Scottish hero generals
- Norway defeated, MacBeth will take thane of Cawdor's title
- witches tell MacBeth he will be king, and Banquo won't be king but his children will
- Duncan declares Malcom will take throne
- Lady MacBeth tells MacBeth to do what is necessary to seize crown
- MacBeth decides not to kill Duncan, but Lady MacBeth calls him a coward
- he agrees, plan: make chamberlains drunk, kill Duncan, then smear his blood on sleeping chamberlains
Act 2
- MacBeth has vision of dagger (tip- duncan, handle- hand), tries to grab,fails
- Lady MacBeth will ring Bell to signal chamberlains asleep
- Lady MacBethe couldn't kill Duncan he resembled her father
- MacBeth sid he heard chamberlains wake but said prayers and went back to sleep
- couldn't say "amen" with them
- "Sleep no more, MacBether does murder sleeep."
- Lady MacBeth takes dagger into room, MacBeth forgot to leave it with chamberlains
- They hear knocking, it's Macduff
- Macduff goes to see king, finds him dead
- The king's sons Malcom and Donablain flee because they fear they are in danger
- Suspicion then falls on them
- Strange: its daytime, yet dark. Owl killed falcon. Horses ate eachother.
- Macbeth travels to Scone to be crowned
Act 3
-MacBeth fears prophecy of banquo is true, and that Bangquo will overthrow him as well
- MacBeth gets two assassins to kill Banquo, saying banquo murdered King Duncan
- Fleance escapes, Banquo is killed
- Banquo's ghost is sitting in Macbeth's dinner chair
- They speak, only MacBeth can see him
- Witches meet with Hecate, and say htye must give MacBeth false security
- Lennox blames MacBeth fro murders and calls him a tyrant
- MacBeth hears of this and he prepares for war
Act 4
- MacBeth goes to witches for predictions
- Floating head said beware of Macduff
- Bloody child said none of women bron of him shall harm MacBeth
- Cornwed child holding tree said he's safe until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill
- sees 8 crowned kings in line, Banquo at end carrying mirror
- MacBeth sends murderers to capture Macduff's castle and kill family since Macduff has fled
- Malcolm will return to Schotland only with 10,000 soldiers
- Ross tells Macduff about his family, and he plan to get revenge on MacBeth
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